A Bean Counter's Way

Cheap Food - Low Cost Dinners

Curry Chicken, The Cheat Way!

When curry is mentioned, many people are intimidated because Indian curry encompasses myriad of...

Beef Acebolado – A quick and

Beef with Onions, Beef Acebolado are the same things from two different continents. One of my...

The Best Way to Make Pasta

Pasta Caprese for the Yum! Feeding kids and husbankid is almost a full time job during these times...

Claudia’s Recipe for Corn Salad

Fresh corn, left over corn, or frozen corn. It doesn’t matter, what kind you have, a delicious...

Save Money with these Tips

Unrealized Capital Gains Tax – A Quick Guide

Lately there has been some news that some leaders in the United States are considering...

How to Achieve Financial Independence to Retire Early (FIRE)

Financial independence is a point in time where a person can live without financial worry...

10 Great Online Side Job Ideas

I'm writing these side job ideas from a teacher's perspective based on jobs I have either...

The Problems with Modern Monetary Theory

Inflation has been a top story in the news lately. Modern Monetary Theory suggests that...
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