A Bean Counter's Way

About Us

Welcome to A Bean Counter’s Way! Our family-driven blog is your trusted source for practical tips and strategies for living a budget-conscious and fulfilling life. We focus on three main areas: Cooking, Money, and Life, offering expert advice and insights to help you save money and enhance your everyday living.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide valuable, trustworthy information to help you manage your finances, cook delicious and affordable meals, and improve your quality of life. We believe that living on a budget doesn’t mean sacrificing quality or happiness. Through our blog, we share our own experiences and tips, aiming to inspire and support our readers in their journey toward financial stability and a more enjoyable lifestyle.

Meet the Team


A seasoned economist with a passion for world travel, Jia brings a wealth of knowledge in financial management and budgeting. She has traveled extensively, learning recipes from many countries, which she shares on our blog. Her expertise ensures that our financial advice is both practical and effective.


An award-winning blogger and experienced elementary school teacher, Jeremy’s insights into everyday life and education make our content relatable and engaging. His focus on life hacks and personal development adds a unique touch to our blog. Like Jia, Jeremy has traveled the world, collecting recipes and life experiences that enrich our content.

Our Content


We provide budget-friendly recipes that are easy to prepare and delicious. Our recipes focus on using simple ingredients that are both affordable and nutritious, inspired by our travels around the world.


Learn practical financial tips and strategies to manage your budget, save money, and achieve your financial goals. We cover everything from budgeting basics to advanced money-saving techniques.


Explore life hacks and tips for living a more efficient and joyful life. Our content includes topics such as travel, family, and personal development, all aimed at maximizing value and enjoyment without overspending.

Why Trust Us?

We pride ourselves on delivering content that is well-researched, authoritative, and trustworthy. Our combined expertise in economics, education, and blogging, along with our extensive travel experiences, ensures that our advice is reliable and practical. We are committed to maintaining high standards of quality and integrity in all our posts.

Join Our Community

We invite you to join our community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about living a budget-conscious life. Share your own tips and experiences, connect with others, and stay updated with our latest posts by subscribing to our newsletter. Together, we can achieve a more fulfilling and financially stable lifestyle.

Thank you for visiting A Bean Counter’s Way. We look forward to sharing our journey with you!