A Bean Counter's Way

Unrealized Capital Gains Tax - A Quick Guide

Unrealized Capital Gains Tax – A Quick Guide

Lately there has been some news that some leaders in the United States are considering changing how capital gains are taxed.  Specifically, there has been some discussion about taxing unrealized capital gains.  This article will shed some light on what unrealized capital gains are. What is Unrealized Capital Gain? Unrealized Capital Gain is any appreciation
Achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early

How to Achieve Financial Independence to Retire Early (FIRE)

Financial independence is a point in time where a person can live without financial worry. Achieving financial independence requires discipline. Here is how...
10 Great Side Job Ideas

10 Great Online Side Job Ideas

I'm writing these side job ideas from a teacher's perspective based on jobs I have either done or would do. You don't have to be a teacher to do these jobs.
Problems with Modern Monetary Theory

The Problems with Modern Monetary Theory

Inflation has been a top story in the news lately. Modern Monetary Theory suggests that inflation is a secondary problem. Here is my opinion on this theory.
Hope For The Best

Prepare for the Worst, Hope for the Best

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Inflation? Hyperinflation? Preparing for high levels of inflation but hoping for the best ...