A Bean Counter's Way

Can Brussel Sprouts Taste Good? – Yes Here’s How

Brussel Sprouts – Yuck ???? – or Yummy ???? ?

The answer depends on how you cook it. Many people do not like the taste of brussel sprouts. The smell of sulfur is sometimes repulsive. The difference between yummy brussel sprouts and yucky brussel sprouts is in the way the cruciferous is cooked. If made correctly, brussel sprouts can be sweet and tasty. Here’s the recipe:
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Course: Side Dish
Servings: 4 people
Cost: $5


  • 1 pound of brussel sprouts
  • 1 clove of garlic minced
  • 3-4 slices of bacon
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


  • Wash and clean the brussel sprouts. Remove any damaged or brown leafs.
  • Cut the brussel sprouts in quarters lengthwise. The base of the brussel sprouts should be attached to each quarter.
  • Cut bacon to 1/2 inch pieces and brown in a large skillet.
  • Remove the cooked bacon from the skillet when it has rendered the fat and set aside for later.
  • Pour out the bacon fat and add back 2 tbsp of bacon fat.
  • Add brussel sprouts to the skillet, salt, and pepper to taste, add minced garlic, and toss to coat with fat.
  • Add 1/2 cup of water.
  • Cook on medium heat until most of the water has been absorbed/evaporated.
  • Add back the bacon to the brussel sprouts.


Serving: 4
Cost: $5
Difficulty Level: Easy
Time: 15 minutes
Breakdown of ingredients
Brussel sprouts $1.99/lb
Bacon $2.50 for 1/2 pound
Garlic, salt, pepper, and water $0.50
Note that bacon can be purchased on sale or in bulk for $3/lb, which would bring the price of the dish to only $4.
Enjoy your FOOD and your MONEY that’s abeancountersway.com/to-cooking
Cooking Brussel Sprouts 1
Brussel Sprouts Cooking 2
Cooking Brussel Sprouts Bacon or Ham
Brussel Sprouts Bacon

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