The best way to get ahead financially speaking is have your money work for you. Here are some ideas that we have used over the years to grow our investment portfolio.
Many times we don’t know which direction life is going to take us. We use this section for articles that do not fit into any other place yet. We also post a bit about…well…life
Obviously, I don’t always get attacked by chipmunks, but when I do…well…you see the result. I consider myself a world traveler. I come from very humble beginnings. By the age of 13, I had lived in 4 different countries and spoke 4 different languages. English is the last language I learned. My focus on career led me to many corners of the world and throughout the United States. When people ask me what I do for a living, I simply tell them that I am “A Bean Counter.” I hold a B.S. in Economics and a B.B.A. in International Business from Loyola Marymount University, and a MBA in Finance from the USC.
I love sharing with people how I save money through hacks, recipes, and tricks. I hope you enjoy the site as much as I enjoy working on it. Please share with us your money saving hacks and ideas. We are open to suggestions, comments, and ways to improve. Thanks!
I have been an elementary school teacher for over twenty years. I enjoy teaching kids using technology-integrated lessons. Due to a love of writing and passing on knowledge, I have started a number of blogs. I was recently honored a 2023 Teacher of the Year Award.
I am currently working on an educational technology blog called, in addition to this wonderful site.
A Bean Counter’s Way started as a Facebook page filled with Jia’s recipes. She was worried that if she wasn’t around our kids wouldn’t be able to enjoy the great meals that Jia often makes, so she wanted to be sure to pass the recipes on to friends and family. Eventually, we moved that page to this website and now we both write about topics that we find interesting. Hopefully, you enjoy this blog as much as we do.
Welcome to A Bean Counter’s Way – Your go-to resource for budget-conscious living. Discover tips on cooking, money management, and life hacks to live better on a budget.
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